Monday, July 4, 2016

How to Deal With Sexual Harassment in the Workplace ?

Surveys state that fifty four percent of the employees had experienced some form of sexual harassment over their work period. This number is almost more than half of the working class people and thus sexual harassment must be treated as a sensitive issue. A disheartening fact is that, most of the cases go unreported or unrecognized. The victim of often threatened of losing his job which intimidates the person from reporting the same. This must change.

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. "

Speak up : 

The first step that needs to be done is to raise up and stop your harasser. Make him understand that you are not comfortable with his activities. If you don't want to deal with it through talks, then type it up. Before you file a formal complaint, this step is necessary. If possible, make a note of the date, time and the place where the harasser encountered you for the purpose of any future investigation. 

Talk to a friend or superior :

Inform a friend or a superior about the things that have been happening and seek their advice. You can talk to anyone whom you are comfortable with. Open up about everything that has happened till now and don't let yourself down for it. Remember, it is not your fault.  

 Report the case :

If the harasser continues to do the same activities even after you have asked him to stop, you need to report to the higher authorities. Your employee handbook will have the information about whom to report to. Consult the person and file a legal compliant. In case this person is your harasser or this person is a close aide to your harasser, you can feel free to contact any other managerial level person who has the power to proceed with your case.

Consult an attorney :

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation that was proceeded by you company, you have all the rights to consult an official employment attorney and seek advice for the same. It is the duty of the employer to safe guard the employee rights. In some organizations, the final conclusion of the investigation is never reached. In such cases, the employee can elevate this issue by filing a case in legal methods.

" Stop running away from your problems and stand up for yourself. Because when you run away you just make it ten time harder than what they are. "

 You might be sacred, but know that it is natural to be sacred. If you know that you are right and your harasser needs to pay for things he did, you are supposed to raise a voice against him. This is the only way you can feel good for yourself rather than putting up with things as they are. For more information please Visit...Sexual Harassment

References : 


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